Cracking, dry skin. Clogged pores and acne messing with your skincare routine. Dull, limp hair that doesn’t seem to last a few days past the salon. Sinks and showers that are far from clean and sparkling, like they once were. You’re looking at the effects of hard water! But just because you have hard water doesn’t mean you’re stuck with all the damage it causes. A water softener is just what you need to stop hard water for good and work on your best self in 2022!
Soft Water vs. Hard Water
To know if you need a water softener, you’ll need to know the difference between hard water and soft water. Hard water is water that is high in calcium and magnesium, which mineral particles make the water more or less hard depending on the presence of these minerals. Your water collects calcium and magnesium in varying degrees as it travels from its source to your tap. Hard water is not necessarily bad for you, but you’ll see the effects of hard water on yourself, your home, and your appliances. Soft water is water that is free of calcium, magnesium, and other hardness mineral particles, which have been removed by a water softener system. While both types of water may look crystal clear, they’re different in action: for example, soft water forms a healthy lather with soap on your hands, while hard water leaves a filmy feeling on your hands (due to the soap reacting with the calcium and forming soap scum). More on that later!
What if I live in the city? At least I don’t have well water! Not so fast! You can’t determine the hardness of your water automatically by it being city water or well water. Well water isn’t inherently hard and city water isn’t inherently soft! It is true that well water is likely to be hard water due to the minerals in the surrounding ground, but your city water is most likely just the same—even in the Great Lakes State!
”Michigan water is considered hard to very hard. Detroit Metro area has moderately hard water, at 104 PPM. Grand Rapids, located in the lower peninsula has hard water according to USGS standards at 380 PPM.
HydroFlow USA
At what hardness is a water softener needed? The ideal water hardness range is 0-3 GPG (grains per gallon) or 0-51 PPM (parts per million). Your water is considered moderately hard and needs a water softener if your water is between 3-7 GPG or 51-120 PPM and anything from 7-15+ GPG or 120-257+ PPM will manifest in your appliances crusted over with scale and stains. You should certainly invest in a water softener when your water’s hardness is over 15 GPG. At this point, your water is really too hard and you will see your water take its toll on your skin, hair, and even your health if you don’t get a water softener.